a journey through lent
Repenting From
Christian Nationalism
Lent is a season of turning—turning from what binds us, what blinds us, what keeps us from fully living into the Gospel of Jesus. This year, we make a U-turn away from Christian Nationalism—from the ways empire has twisted our faith, from the silence that enables oppression, from the false belief that power and faith belong together.
Make plans now to be with us Sunday mornings at 10am EST
Lenten Online Bible Study
As we journey through Lent, we invite you to join us for a weekly online Bible study exploring scripture through the lens of our Lenten Worship Series, “Repenting from Christian Nationalism.”
Together, we will examine the ways in which Christian nationalism has distorted biblical teachings and engage with the life and ministry of Jesus as a guide for faithful resistance.
This study is an opportunity to dive deep into scripture, reflect on its meaning for our world today, and discern how we can faithfully live out God’s call to justice, mercy, and love.
Dates: Wednesdays, March 5 – April 16
Time: 6:30 PM EST
Location: Online via Zoom
Contact the Church Office with questions or to access the Zoom link.
No matter your level of comfort or expertise with the scriptures, you are welcome to participate.
March 9
Repenting From Self-Reliance
For too long, the Church has been tangled in the myth that faith and empire go hand in hand. But Jesus calls us to a different path—one where:
Faith is not about power, but about love.
Strength is not found in dominance, but in interdependence.
The Kin-dom of God is built on justice, mercy, and belonging.
This week, we take our first step by repenting from self-reliance—unlearning the lie that we were made to go it alone. Together, we will reclaim community, generosity, and faith that resists the ways of empire.
Scripture: Deuteronomy 26:1-11 | Psalm 91 | Luke 4:1-13
Music, Prayer, and Reflection
Worship Onsite & Online
Sunday, March 9 | 10:00 AM EST
March 16
Repenting From
Systemic Violence
In our Lenten series, "Repenting from Christian Nationalism," we refuse to stay silent in the face of injustice. This week, we name truth-tellers—the prophets, the voices crying out, the ones who refuse to bow to empire.
We gather to:
Repent from the ways we have participated in harm
Reject Christian Nationalism, white supremacy, and state-sanctioned cruelty
Follow Jesus—not to empire’s altar, but to the cross
Make a U-Turn toward justice, toward God
Scripture: Philippians 3:17-4:1 | Psalm 27 | Luke 13:31-35
Music, Prayer, and Bold Proclamation
Worship Onsite & Online
Sunday, March 16 | 10:00 AM EST
March 23
Repenting From Avoidance
In our Lenten series, "Repenting from Christian Nationalism," we are making a U-turn—away from apathy and avoidance, toward truth and transformation.
This week, we name the ways we have looked away.
From injustice we’d rather not see.
From harm we’d rather not name.
From the cost of truly following Jesus.
But repentance is more than guilt—it’s a choice to change direction.
Scripture: Isaiah 55:1-9 | Psalm 63 | Luke 13:1-9
Music, Prayer, and Prophetic Proclamation
Worship Onsite & Online
Sunday, March 23 | 10:00 AM EST
March 30
Repenting From
White Supremacy
Our Lenten journey of "Repenting from Christian Nationalism" continues as we take a hard look at the ways white supremacy has shaped our faith, our history, and our world.
This week, we make the turn:
From complicity to accountability.
From silence to truth-telling.
From comfort to transformation.
Repentance is not a feeling—it’s a practice. A full U-turn from systems of injustice toward a faith that is rooted in liberation.
Scripture: Joshua 5:9-12 | Psalm 32 | Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32
Music, Prayer, and Prophetic Proclamation
Worship Onsite & Online
Sunday, March 30 | 10:00 AM EST
April 6
Repenting From
"One Right Way"
As we continue our Lenten series, "Repenting from Christian Nationalism," we turn away from rigid control and toward the wild, liberating Spirit of God.
For too long, we’ve been told there’s only one way—
One way to think, to worship, to love.
One way to belong, to serve, to lead.
One way to be faithful.
But God is bigger than our boxes. Jesus broke the rules that needed breaking. The Spirit refuses to be controlled. This week, we make the turn—away from narrow, oppressive thinking and toward the holy abundance of God’s Kin-dom.
Scripture: Isaiah 43:16-23 | Psalm 126 | John 12:1-8
Communion – All Are Welcome
Music, Prayer, and Sacred Challenge
Worship Onsite & Online
Sunday, April 6 | 10:00 AM EST
April 13
Repenting From Domination
Sunday, April 13 | 10:00 AM EST | Onsite & Online
Jesus entered Jerusalem not as a ruler seeking power, but as a prophet defying empire. He came not with a sword, but with love as resistance.
This Palm Sunday, as we continue our Lenten series "Repenting from Christian Nationalism," we make a U-turn:
From empire’s control to Jesus' liberation.
From domination to humility.
From silence to truth.
Scripture: Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29 | Luke 19:28-40
Music, Prayer, and Holy Resistance
Worship Onsite & Online
Sunday, April 13 | 10:00 AM EST