a journey through lent
ash wednesday
"Do you guys ever think about dying?"
Spend a few minutes with Rev. Timoth as he offers a brief reflection on Ash Wednesday to begin the Lenten Season.
The video reflection will air live at 9am EST and then be hosted on our website and social media platforms. Jump on at 9am EST to engage with others in the comments as we take this first step upon our Lenten journey.
lenten hybrid bible study
Each Wednesday during Lent, First Congregational Church, UCC is offering a Hybrid Bible Study centered on the scriptures being used in the following Sunday.
Gather at either 10:00am EST or 6:30pm EST in the church parlor or on Zoom with others seeking accompaniment upon this Lenten journey.
Contact the Church Office with questions or to access the Zoom link.
No matter your level of comfort or expertise with the scriptures, you are welcome to participate.
driven into the wilderness
Centered on the story found in Mark 1:9-15 of Jesus being driven into the wilderness, our reflection on this first Sunday of Lent will take us to consider both the "wilderness" that we encounter in this weary world and how it is that the Spirit may be leading us in and through it.
In what may be considered as a place of misdirection and unease, how might we consider our own "wilderness" as a place that instead leads us to HOPE?
Worship with us on Sunday, February 18 at 10am EST to find out.
what are you willing to lose?
In what must have been a startling revelation for the disciples, Jesus fortells his death and resurrection in Mark 8:31-38. And within his words he named that any who wish to follow him and "save" their life must first "lose" it.
For Jesus' sake and for the sake of the Gospel, Jesus asks us; "What are you willing to lose?"
On February 25 (the second Sunday of Lent) at 10am EST we will explore what it is that we are willing to lose in order to "save" our lives and move one step closer to the HOPE we seek.
if Jesus pulled out a whip, why don't we?
In what might be, for some, one of the more suprising moments in Jesus' ministry, John 2:13-22 invites us to consider what might be necessary to enact justice in our world.
Jesus driving the corrupt and unjust money changers from the temple highlights one way to bring about change. But is it the way for us?
Worship with us on Sunday, March 3 as we explore just what might be necessary for us to live the love and justice of Jesus in the world as we seek the HOPE for which we long.
The scripture for Sunday, March 10 has us revisiting what may be one of the more popular, easily-remembered, verses of scripture remarking on how much it is that God so loved the world.
In John 3:14-21, as the one sent into the world to save it from itself, Jesus proclaims a message that calls us out in a way... that many love "darkness" over "light."
Worship with us at 10am EST to consider how much we lean toward the shadowy experiences in life and what it might be to have those experiences illuminated by HOPE.
what does it mean to follow?
As Jesus again speaks of the events that are to come, he also hints to that which is necessary for those of us who choose to follow him.
Worship on Sunday, March 17, focused on John 12:20-33, will provide us the opportunity to consider our own choice in following Jesus and just how far it is that we are willing to go.
Join us at 10am EST as we take this crucial step on our journey toward the HOPE we trust is on the horizon.
blessed is the coming kin-dom
With palm fronds waving high, the vision of HOPE is closer than ever before. Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem users in both a new way of being in an Empire-threatened world and a significant HOPE for tomorrow.
Revisit this historic tale from Mark 11:1-11 as we, too, make our way into Jerusalem alongside the one who has consistently shows us what the kin-dom of God can truly be.
Worship with us at 10am EST prepared to shout Hosanna!
maundy thursday
Just as Jesus gathered for that final meal with his disciples, we, too, will break bread together at table before turning our focus to the instructions Jesus gives us for the bread and the cup.
A meal prepared and shared among weary travelers will serve as nourishment for the remainder of our journey.
Meal prep will begin at 5pm EST. We will break bread at 6pm EST and gather for hybrid worship in the shadows of the sanctuary at 7pm EST. (More details to come)
terror and amazement
And this is where it all culminates... the journey we have been navigating for the past six weeks. This is where the HOPE that has been on the horizon is within our reach.
Centered on the story of the three women at the tomb in Mark 16:1-8, our Easter morning will provide us the opportunity to reflect on our journey as well as on the terror and amazement present within the discovery of the empty tomb.
Worship with us at 10am EST to celebrate the Good News of Christ's Resurrection.